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Saturday, January 22, 2011

2am, it's dark, cold and I want to cure stupidity...

And I think I can too! Not all of it mind you, just the dreaded "Social Stupidity". I mean what you do in the privacy of your own home IS your own business, right? After picking Caitlin up after her show Friday night, the traffic was backing up at Highland Ave and 26th Street for some reason. No flashers, no horn honking, just a green light but there we sat. The lead car, a white minivan just sat, and sat, and sat. Finally the #2 car backs up and goes around the still not moving #1 car. As we pull abreast, I look over and see that the driver of the non-moving vehicle is either a: Asleep b: Drunk c: Dead. I got 200 cars backed behind me so I roll on down Highland Ave and dial 911 and get Birmingham Police. I explain the situation to the lady that took the call and she tells me they'll have someone there as soon as possible. Traffic around this sleeping/drunk/dead guy is backing up more and more by the second. We go around the block and are able to park in a parking lot across the road from "sleepy". As I start to get out and walk over to the guy, we hear the wail of sirens. And you'll just have to trust me, but I think the Fire Department IS better suited at handling this than I at the moment.

They pull up, spot the guy and pull along side him with sirens slowly winding down. Someone lights him up with a flashlight, then they get out and approach him. More flashlights. No movement at all. They beat on the windows, no movement. So I'm thinking, this guy couldn't sleep through all this, so he's gotta be "b" or "c" drunk or dead, right? Wrong! He finally wakes up, rolls down his window, engages them for a few minutes in conversation and then... POOF, of light a rabbit he goes. Would have made a great "Red Bull Gives You Wings" commercial.

Stupidity must be cured in our lifetime!

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