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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve... Eve 2010:

The Christmas season has always been special to our family. It's always been a time when Joy and I could do great and wondrous things for our kids that would make their eyes pop open when they saw all the festivities that Christmas brings. The tables full of scrumptious foods, riding the hay wagon, hunting for and cutting down the annual Suggs Family Christmas Tree, decorating said tree, wrapping and stuffing the presents under the tree, having friends and family over, stringing lights here and there, and then... Christmas morning, and the discovery that Santa had once again, found our house AND had not found out about that bad report card a few months back leaving presents behind as he took to the sky again.
All good times and good memories for Joy and I. Wouldn't trade a second of it for all the gold in the world. And now we get to sit back and watch our kids do the same things for their spouses and kids. The same excitement is still there, the same wonder, and the same pleasure of giving to someone you love on Christmas day. The traditions you instill in your kids is the real gift that keeps on giving. Watching our 3 kids instill these same hopes, dreams and traditions in their kids and loved ones is something that brings a smile to our lips and a tear to our eye, year after year as we get older. A memory we both will cherish forever.

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